Why are we different from countless other firms?

Through Hylman's stringent quality control mechanisms, centralizing control is prudent.

We don't just deliver talents to you, but we also take the extra step in the right manner to oversee them through our high calibre ENABLERS and leadership across all markets globally.

With Hylman, we make highly complex, high risk, and high value engagements and assignments easier. Much easier.

Let Experience be your guide

Why Hylman?

Hylman values its diversity, independence, connectedness, inclusion, and glocalization. Put all of that in the mix with Talent and the outcome is as sweet as winning the jackpot in a world filled with outdated service providers.

A range of all expertise
for a project, goal or forever.

Empowering your future.

Contact us

Take a look at

All range of staffing services


CXO Staffing

We put great attention to selecting the right leadership that shall take the extra mile to navigate you through all ups and downs. Strategic, accountable, practical, and rolling up their sleeves to get the company on track, our CXO Staffing services covers all C-Suite positions and makes sure you’re being led by a true leader, or ENABLER. No room for jokes.


Permanent Executive Staffing

All responsible executives must fulfil certain criteria: short term wins, long term growth. We seek to identify the right executives, heads of departments, directors, and BOD appointments that will match your culture, elevate thinking, assure loyalty, and take your teams to the next level.


Temporary Executive Staffing

We understand the short term needs, and limits, of companies. Temporary executive staffing can be the solution in taking in those tedious management duties to accomplish, fix or avoid. Through our pool of talents, we seek to seamlessly, and fairly quickly, position the right executive temps at whichever domain or department of your company and fill those gaps.


Permanent Non-executive Staffing

Sometimes the only missing element for a company to meet its long term objectives is a good non-executive director or manager that counsels, and strategically steers, towards that end. Understanding those needs and the fact that efficiency has to be achieved without stretching intellects with management responsibilities, especially industry veterans with a golden jubilee experience, we put the right people in those rooms.


Temporary Non-executive Staffing

Exceptionally necessary for companies experiencing high growth with no time or budget to hire full time counsel, a temporary non-executive shall ringfence your strategies in the short term with a farsighted plan for the future. Understanding your needs and the fact that quick improvements have to be achieved without stretching time or budgets too thin, guiding you through today’s landscape waves is the solution.


Project/On-Demand Staffing

If you’re engaged to deliver a project for any public or private sector entity around the world, this is what you need. We partner with you to understand your client and project you’re undertaking, types and levels of experts you need, budget allocated for the engagement, duration, KPIs and delivery milestones to get the work done for your clients. Not only that, with this offer you get direct oversight from high calibre Enablers, former leaders at big consulting firms and corporations, to ensure those talents and your project are in line to deliver exceptional value.

Be part of tomorrow’s workforce

With a substantial pool of talents across a wide range of expertise globally, Hylman offers you a scalable, efficient, and data-driven solution to put the right people in the right shoes at any time.

Bridge for industrial and corporate development

Bridge the gap you have in teams and talents with the right-picked leaders, at whichever role that may be.

Meet our

Community of talented professionals

Get a chance to experience what it’s like to work with a powerhouse that houses top talent across the globe and delivers complex solutions in the most efficient way possible. Becareful: it feels amazing.

Dan Helfrich
Hassan Al-Shama
  • CEO | Strategy, Real Estate, Commerce

Exposed to a wide array of sectors, Hassan consolidates his global experiences and packages that through innovation brought to the table believing in the vision of changing the way we do things. He believes that full potential is still locked away and clients are not getting the optimal value needed. With transformational strategies, Hassan leads with a vision of a bright future to fix the limitations and unleash a world of prosperity.

Dan Helfrich
Yaman Al-Shama
  • President | Trading, Gold, Autos

Yaman believes in reshaping larger organizations for which he is known to associate with. He has a trustworthy reputation for finding solutions when no one can and be at the frontline before the issue is even thought of. He believes in strengthening the core of services through teamwork and unity while connecting the dots for what might be the only way forward in this day and age.

Dan Helfrich
Obaida Kitaz
  • Deputy President | Food and Beverage, Sales, FMCG


We have tools to

simplify Your business challenges

No matter the size of your workforce, you will want a powerhouse to take care of that in whichever basis.

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We care about you

Revolutionizing your future for tomorrow.

Tomorrow and your future must be fully aligned. Leave that task to us. We shall analyze and fully understand what you need exactly, which may be less than what you’re expecting to get the job done in the most proficient way. Don’t overthink, and don’t overspend.

What can you expect from HYLMAN?

  • To fully understand who you are and what your future needs to be aligned with growth and a talented, loyal, team.
  • Fully dedicated teams, weekdays and weekends, that will customize the solution to your exact need.
  • Global footprint put to use through world-class thinking and cutting edge solutions.